5 Great Reasons to Become a Holistic Practitioner
Get Insight into Alternative Medicine’s Wellness Boom

Body, mind and spirit, holistic health professionals view all three aspects as vital to our health. When individuals achieve balance in the three, they can reach a higher level of wellness for life.With a holistic health career, you could join a profession that guides individuals toward dramatic health improvement and health awareness. If you aspire to a career where you exercise the skills and expertise to change people’s lives for the better, a holistic health career may be right for you.
Here are some reasons to consider this field:
1. You’ll Help People Feel Good
Holistic health providers teach patients the habits and healthy practices to sustain optimal health and prevent illness. There are also many practitioners who educate communities about the symbiotic relationship between a person’s health and well-being, the idea that a lifelong commitment of health awareness and positive choices directly affects quality of life. Offering long-term, individualized care, alternative medicine specialists not only treat chronic pain and other conditions, but also support patients in maintaining healthiness through natural methods. These methods might include holistic medicine, homeopathic remedies, dietary programs, or exercise routines.
2. You’ll Join a Thriving Natural Health Industry
Individuals with a holistic health career can anticipate exceptional job prospects over the next several years. In their 2012 market research reports, statistics and analysis presentation, Report linker states that the global alternative medicine industry is expected to reach close to $115 billion by 2015. With more Americans pursuing alternative healing methods or an integrated medicine approach, holistic health providers will remain in high demand and in excellent positions to grow thriving practices.
3. You’ll Get Workplace Flexibility
Combine the skills you gain through a holistic health career with some business savvy, and you possess the tools to build your own private practice. In this arena, you can choose to work out of your home or in an office setting where you set the policies, make the hiring decisions and determine the schedule.
Alternatively, you can pursue the many job opportunities at clinics, wellness centers, physicians’ offices and other health care facilities. Working in a clinical environment can help you gain the experience, confidence and clients to start your own practice later, if you desire.
4. You’ll Never Stop Learning
Earning a positions as a holistic health practitioner you will experience a long-term career filled with continuous learning opportunities. In fields such as naturopathic medicine, where few states offer licensure, a national association ensures educational standards and qualifications among professionals. With the support of such associations, you can receive the ongoing training and credentials to remain a highly qualified practitioner in your field.
5. You’ll make a Good Living
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median national annual salary for Holistic Practitioners earned a median annual salary of $86,160, and dietitians and nutritionist’s median annual salary is $65,240. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors. While self-employed holistic health providers cover the costs to operate their business and provide their own health insurance and retirement, they typically earn more than 4 times that a salaried worker in their field annually. There is also an earning potential in the rewarding holistic health profession, as much as qualifications and experience, the character and compassion that a holistic health practitioner demonstrate can influence their personal earning potential.
Holistic Practitioner Career Outlook
Read About the Increased Demand for Holistic Health Practitioners
Approximately 4 out of 10 people in the United States are already using some form of alternative health treatment, and all indicators point to continued growth in the holistic health industry. As more people step outside the limitations of conventional medicine in search of whole body wellness, the opportunity to enjoy a satisfying career in holistic health looks brighter with each passing year.
Long before the rise of Western medicine, compassionate healers devoted their lives to encouraging whole body wellness.Today’s holistic health practitioners follow in the footsteps of those ancient healers and are in greater demand than ever before.In our stressful modern age, the wellness industry offers desperately needed support to those in search of balance and healing, making holistic health careers more popular than ever before.
The Search for a Healthy Balance
Rates of chronic disease, obesity, depression and anxiety are higher than ever before. People are stressed out, overwhelmed and unhealthy. They are also living longer and seeking greater quality of life throughout the aging process. Overall, there is a widespread resurgence of interest in fitness and wellness, both in the form of alternative medicine and in beauty and spa treatments.
People are visiting holistic health practitioners and spas to help them cope with their busy lives, address chronic pain and fight disease. Many see the value in visiting a Holistic Practitioner. Others seek assistance with improving their diet and exercise habits. All of them aspire to the profound state of health that comes with the balance of mind, body and spirit. This is one of the reasons holistic health careers are becoming so popular.
Healthy Living and Holistic Health Careers
Many people today recognize the limitations of Western science and medicine. They know that overuse of antibiotics can create long-term problems and vulnerabilities. They are distrustful of large pharmaceutical companies and concerned about health care costs. They may be unable to afford health insurance, or the large co-pays and deductibles required by some health insurance policies. In light of all this, the importance of preventative health care is finally entering mainstream awareness. The Holistic Healing Practitioners and other wellness regimens are gaining popularity.People are also seeking greater control over their response to illness. Rather than going immediately to a doctor with their sniffles, aches and pains, many are experimenting with natural remedies and treatments. Homeopathic medicines, herbal medicines, aromatherapy healing, supplements and elixirs have all become commonplace.
Herbal medicines, Homeopathic medicines, aromatherapy healing, and reflexology, are healing modalities that used to be considered “weird” or “alternative” have now become widely accepted. And, as a result, holistic health careers are in demand and can be very rewarding for the right individual.
The Demand for Holistic Health Careers and Practitioners
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recently reported that approximately 38 percent of adults in the United States are using some form of complementary or alternative medicine (CAM). This includes the following types of treatment modalities:
Holistic Family Practitioner’s
Natural products
Diet based therapies
Holistic skincare
Homeopathy medicine
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the holistic health, alternative medicine and wellness industry has increased substantially since 2002, and all signs point to continued growth in the popularity of CAM through 2022.
Since most forms of CAM are not covered by health insurance, it is clear that a large number of people are willing to pay for this kind of health care. There is also an increasing number of spas and spa-goers, which can promote the success of many wellness and natural health modalities. This growing demand makes it an excellent time to begin a career as a holistic health practitioner. The range of options for holistic health education is almost limitless. Holistic health schools offer everything from inexpensive certificates in aromatherapy to advanced graduate training in Holistic Health Practitioner programs. Are you ready to awaken the healer within?
Also, read our article on Herbs -V- Prescribed Drugs